One-stripe anthias

2024-06-26 201 Views

Weather Cloudy

Temperature 30 degrees Celsius

Water temperature 29°C

Transparency 15m


Today we have 7 members, Mr. Y group from Mactan,

and Mr. N whose last day is today.

House reef

Pescador Island Sanctuary

Tongo Sanctuary

The first dive was at 7:00 a.m., Mr. Y's team, a newly licensed diver, requested a turtle!

And during the last safety stop, the turtles were very friendly and let us take many pictures of them.

As I said yesterday, early bird gets the worm!

The second dive was at Pescador Island Sanctuary,

where there were many fish of all kinds at the entry point,

but I thought they were even more abundant today!

The third dive, Tongo Sanctuary, also had beautiful soft corals in the middle layer,

Everyone seemed to have a great time diving.

Mr. I, who requested to dive with turtles after getting his license, was very happy to see turtles on all three dives today!

Today's photo is of a One-stripe anthias with a distinctive red line,  found only in deep water,

You can see them at Pescador Island!

Thank you very much for your 4-day stay until today, 

Mr. N. We hope you will come visit us again!

Please come back and visit us again! Tomorrow, 

4 more guests will join us and we will be back with 7 divers!

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