panda butterfly fish

2024-06-04 156 Views

Weather: Fine

Temperature 33 ℃.

Water temperature 29℃.

transparency 20 m

Good evening!

Today we went to Pescador's Cave and House Reef with a total of six people, four from Mactan and one from the day before yesterday.

The water temperature was 29 degrees Celsius, which is the highest in recent times.

The guests said it was beautiful, and I wrote on my slate underwater, “The visibility is good today!

When the visibility is good, you can dive and see the coral

I wish it was like this every day!

Well, this is one of the joys of diving with nature, isn't it?

 today's photo is from the past, a Philippine Butterfly Fish!

Have you ever seen this fish from the front?

The photo is a side view, but please take a look at it from the front next time.

It looks like a panda!

They are often found at all points and are relatively easy to find, so please try to find a panda underwater!

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